10 Reasons to Become a Member

1. Muskies Canada works to support Canada’s great Muskie Fisheries

If you care about our wild Muskies and the world-class fisheries we have here in Canada, you should become a member. Don’t just take our word for it. Here’s what the worlds top Muskie experts think:

“Muskies Canada… there is no other organization like them. It is probably the greatest fishing organization from a conservation and from a learning perspective that I have ever seen. If you’re not a member of Muskies Canada… and you’re a Muskie angler, you’re making a huge mistake.”

From Gord Pyzer, Feb 14, 2021, in a session on Muskie Sunday, Spring Fishing and Boat Show.

2. You will learn a lot more about our wild Canadian Muskies and the world-class fisheries that support them

Our chapter events are great opportunities to learn as we share Insider info on these amazing fish our regional fisheries. Members help members with mentoring and info sharing.

3. Outings and special events

Each of our 13 chapters across the country holds Muskie Outings that bring us together for a few days of fun and fishing in some of the world’s finest Muskie regions.

4. The Release Journal

For over 40 years Muskies Canada has documented the state of Muskie knowledge about our fish and our fisheries in our quarterly members-only magazine. These are all archived for you to read and learn.

5. Regular Meetings

Our community gets together in each region to talk about our favourite fish, to hear presentations from experts and to get to know each other, often developing long-term friendships.

6. Members’ Forum

We allow our members to share private and important info through our Forum, connecting with members all across the country. Want to learn more? Be part of the community info sharing on our members’ forum.

7. Access to videos and recorded presentations

Every year we develop or participate in events, symposia, and meetings where great presentations from the worlds top Muskie experts. We have a great collection of these recorded on video with permission to share these only with members. Want to see incredible presentations from past Odyssey events? We have them for our members. Would you like like to see videos from top Muskie experts and scientists? Join and learn.

8. Access to science

Over many years we have been accumulating research and science papers, published studies and reports about Muskies. This resource is available to all members so that we can satisfy pure desire to always learn more.

9. Direct participation in projects that enhance the Muskie fisheries

We need volunteers that want to learn and develop their expertise by participating directly in research, management and enhancement projects. In most regions we have projects underway that need volunteers. You can be part of these initiatives that provide better science or directly enhance our fisheries. If you care about the current health and future potential of Canada’s great Muskie fisheries, join up and help out.

10. Support for better management and regulations

Muskies Canada works directly with Ministries that decide about Muskie fishery management. We have representatives on almost all of the key fishery management zones (FMZ Councils) in Ontario as well as close working relationships with Ministry managers in Québec and New Brunswick. We work collectively to ensure that our fisheries are managed with the best available research, often from projects that Muskies Canada has helped fund and support with club participation. We make sure that the angler perspective is always included in Muskie management decisions. Join if you think that’s important.

“ If Muskies Canada… went away, the Muskie fishing as we know it today would certainly go away. I believe that anything we can do to support these organizations who are… behind the scenes working on all of our behalf to make Muskie fishing better across all of North America, is a huge thing. “

From Jim Saric, Feb 14, 2021, in a session on Muskie Sunday, Spring Fishing and Boat Show.

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