Muskies Canada Barrie Chapter serves musky anglers who call Georgian Bay, Simcoe, Kawartha and Muskoka waters home. Our members range from novices to pros who are all concerned with conserving and improving the Musky fishery in our backyard and anywhere the mighty muskellunge is found. The Barrie chapter is committed to getting involved with conservation and fishery management initiatives so current and future generations of musky anglers can always look forward to a great fishing season.
Please also visit and “Like” our Facebook page for further information and chapter updates.
or check us out on Instagram @mcibarrie
Buy merchandise at our store:
Our meetings are 7pm on the Third Monday of every month at Donaleighs Irish Public House, 28 Dunlop st. E. Barrie ON. L4M 1A3. Our meetings are open to members from other chapters if you are passing through or are willing to make the drive. Stay tuned for updates on future meetings, outings, and fundraisers.