We examined Minnesota’s muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, populations using various data sets including spring trap net assessments and angler diary surveys. We confronted a potentially problematic data set that had a large number of zero catches by fitting logistic models to the presence/absence data set and linear models to the subset of data that included catches with one fish or more. Currently, 105 lakes have been identified as muskellunge waters, of which 61 lakes have been created and maintained by stocking. Although the proportion of successful anglers has increased over time, catch rates have remained the same. It appears from analysis of trap net catches that the abundance of 102 cm (40 in) and larger muskellunge has been increasing over time. Both trap net and angler data provide some indications that size of muskellunge caught has also increased over time. Angler-harvested muskellunge averaged 11 years of age and 115 cm (45 in) total length. For Minnesota waters, muskellunge ultimate length averaged 134 cm (53 in) for females and 119 cm (47 in) for males. All evidence indicates a successful management program
Wisconsin muskellunge waters
This publication is provided to help you enjoy Musky fishing in Wisconsin. A list of the Muskellunge waters by county and their characteristics is presented to give you an idea of what to expect in the waters you fish. More World records have been landed here than anywhere else. The book classifies water into 3 categories: A B C and Boat Access. Also identified if hybrids are available. It breaks down to Pram, Road, Water Canoe, Walking, Commercial or not public access on all the lakes in the County that contain Muskellunge. All include are near Municipality, total acreage and maximum depth of each lake classified. Small chapter on distribution, Habits and Habitat, Ecology classification Reproduction, Growth, Populations, Management and Angling in book on 778 total water in the State of Wisconsin. A chart on the Summary of Muskellunge Waters by Classification appears on page 13. Lakes and waters are listed under counties they appear in. This is the last updated Wisconsin Muskellunge water booklet with lighten cover available.
A checklist of Ontario freshwater fishes annotated with distribution maps
Atlas of muskellunge streams and rivers in Ontario
Muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) is one of the most highly valued prized fish species in the Province of Ontario. A compilation of information in 1987 indicated that there were 302 Ontario lakes which contained muskellunge populations. Muskellunge also inhabit many streams and rivers of Ontario whoever there had never been any previous attempt to identify those waters. This exercise represented an initial effort to document Ontario streams and rivers which support muskellunge populations. Information was obtained from a variety of sources including a review of Ontario muskellunge literature and file records, a survey of MNR field staff, consolidation of information from the Cleithrum Project and the Ontario Information System (OFIS) database and personal communications with several muskellunge anglers, managers and scientists. This listing identifies 105 streams or rivers in Ontario which contain muskellunge. Waters range in sized from the Ottawa and St. Lawrence rivers to several small spawning and nursery streams. There are undoubtedly additional waters which have been missed during this compilation. The challenge for Ontario fisheries managers will be to confirm the status of the stocks listed herein and to add new waters to this listing as information becomes available.
Distribution and relative abundance of fishes in Wisconsin
A statewide study of the inland waters of Wisconsin was initiated in 1974 by the Bureau of Research, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to establish a comprehensive data base on the distribution and relative abundance of all fish species. Records composing this data base came mainly from a survey between 197 4 and 1986 of current statewide fish distribution. Numerous historical records (from 1900-72) were also included in the data base. Surveys to determine current distribution were primarily conducted in eastern, southern, west central, and northwestern Wisconsin. Sampling of basins in these areas during 197 4-86 was accomplished at 5,396 stations by Fish Distribution Study personnel, at 4,174 stations by other DNR personnel, and at 271 stations by non-DNR personnel. These stations covered approximately 50% of the state. During this period, 143 species were collected. Of these 143 species, 140 are believed to have reproducing populations in the inland waters ofWisconsin. According to the Department’s lists of endangered, threatened, and ”watch” species, the fishes collected during the fish distribution survey between 197 4 and 1986 included all 8 of the state’s endangered species, all6 of~ threatened species, and 16 ofthe 21 species on the Department’s watch list. These status designations were based on official listings of endangered and threatened species (per a 1982 Wisconsin Administrative Code) and an unofficial list (from 1985) of watch species for which a population problem was suspected but not known.
Data from the 197 4-86 period for Wisconsin were compared to those from the 1900-72 period. The early period records consisted of 2,179 non-DNR collections and 1,456 DNR collections. Two species that had not been previously reported from the state were collected in the later period. Three species have apparently been extirpated from the state. This report includes numerous tables, distribution maps of the species, and discussion on many aspects offish distribution in Wisconsin. It also sets out a sampling plan for completing the state survey. The data base generated to date has been shown to be of great value for the preparation of environmental impact assessments, development of master plans for the aquatic resource, and preparation of research proposals on nongame species, fish communities, and ecosystems. Use and value ofthis data base would undoubtedly increase ifthe sampling of the state were to be completed. It is, therefore, recommended that completion of this study be considered in the near future. Other recommendations are to update the data base with information from historical fish surveys, to continue the systematic recording of fish collected during routine DNR surveys, and to protect the habitat of endangered and threatened fish species.
Muskellunge distribution in Kentucky
Native to the Green, Kentucky, Licking, and Little Sandy river drainages, and Kinniconick and Tygarts creeks. Muskellunge inhabit pools of medium to large rivers, often near fallen logs with accumulated debris. They are stocked annually in Green River, Cave Run, and Buckhorn lakes, where they are usually found in shoreline habitat associated with structure. Several stream populations are also maintained through supplemental stockings due to poor reproductive success in the wild.
Muskellunge in South Dakota
The South Dakota muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) program began in 1975 when 2,000 muskellunge fingerlings were introduced into Amsden Dam in northeast South Dakota. Muskellunge were introduced into a total of 14 waters between 1975 and 1979 including three Missouri River reservoirs. Unfortunately, most of the stockings during this period provided only a limited return to anglers and were deemed unsuccessful. Muskellunge stocking since 2000 have been more successful and fisheries have been established in five additional eastern South Dakota waters. Sampling adult muskellunge has proven difficult but recent use of large trap nets in the spawning has improved our ability to sample adult fish in South Dakota waters. Although the large trap nets capture more muskellunge than previously used smaller nets, catches remain low likely due to the low abundance. Future research needs include evaluating stocking success, obtaining and age and growth information and measuring angler use.
Fishes of Canada’s national capital region
This work is a guide to the fishes found in the National Capital Region (NCR) of Canada, a region encompassed by a circle of 50 km radius centred on the Peace Tower of the Parliament Buildings in Ottawa, extending into Ontario and Québec. An earlier work by Coad and McAllister (1975) is dated and required a revision. The book treated 75 species while this work covers 84 species and, as the updates show, species new to the NCR are still being recorded.
Muskellunge are found from southwestern Québec and southern Ontario west to western Lake Superior but only south of this lake to western Ontario and introduced to southern Manitoba. In the U.S.A. south to northern Georgia. The Chat’s Lake area near Arnprior had 10,000 young Muskie stocked in 1956 (newspaper reports). The Rideau River was heavily stocked with this species in the 1940s and early 1950s (Hopkins, 2000). 25,000 fish were released in the Rideau River in the Long Reach near Kars or Osgoode in 1941 (newspaper reports vary; Bebee, 2004). The Jock River and Steven Creek (North Gower) have also been stocked with this species (Kerr, 2001a).
The muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) distribution and biology of a recent addition to the ichthyofauna of New Brunswick
The muskellunge, Esox masquinongy, has invaded the Saint John River of New Brunswick in the last decade. Introduced as fingerlings into a small lake in the river system in the Province of Quebec, the fish moved downstream, increasing tlle species’ range and abundance. At least 60 fish have been collected in New Brunswick since 1988, most at hydroelectric dams in tl1e upper and middle stretches of the river. A limited summer and winter fishery for Muskellunge has developed in a lake in the nortllwestern part of the province. Lengths-at-age suggest that the river fish are growing rapidly. The oldest fish was VI+. Some fish of both sexes appear to mature at age III+. The presence of young-of-the-year fish and tl1e condition of the gonads indicate that spawning has occurred and that the muskie is capable of establishing self-sustaining local populations in the river.
Postglacial dispersal of freshwater fishes into Ontario
The present-day distributions of 117 native freshwater fishes in Ontario have been shaped by processes active following the Wisconsinan glacial period, 80,000 years before present. During this glacial period, these species survived in unglaciated réfugia. To understand the processes that resulted in the recolonization of Ontario by fishes following the last glacial period, the refugial areas occupied by each species were determined using a refugial index, and glacial water bodies used as dispersal routes were identified. The refugial origins of the Ontario populations of 91 species were resolved. Seventy-two species resided in the Mississippian refugium, 13 species in the Atlantic Coastal refugium, 4 species in dual Atlantic Coastal – Mississippian refugia, 1 species in a Missourian refugium, and 1 species in Atlantic Coastal, Mississippian, and Missourian refugia. These conclusions differed significantly from those of other studies. Five general patterns were identified from the distributions of 104 species. In addition, there are 13 species that do not fit any of the general patterns. Most species with similar distributions in Ontario shared the same refugia and dispersal routes in eastern North America, therefore it is hypothesized that historical processes were important in shaping the present-day distributions of Ontario freshwater fishes.