Applications of an angler diary for muskellunge (Esox masquinongy)

An angler diary program was designed and implemented using volunteer muskellunge anglers. Some of the design and operational problems and the corrective measures applied are described. Angler participation remained relatively low throughout the four year project. A total of 128 anglers participated in the project providing information on 4,912 trips totaling 56,508 angler hours. Participants averaged 14.4 trips per season with an average trip length of 5.6 hours. Catch rates were low averaging 0.027 fish/hour and 0.011 legal-sized fish/hour. A total of 1,745 muskellunge were caught averaging 33.9 inches in total length. Forty-seven percent of all reported muskellunge were 36 inches or longer. Most reported effort was reported at Leech and Cass lakes in northern Minnesota and Lobster Lake in west-central Minnesota. Expenditures were highest for trips to out-of-state waters and lowest for trips to Minnesota lakes.