Reviewing the esocid hybrids

A review of the hybrids of the Esocidae is presented. Artificial crosses of the smaller pickerels, chain pickerel, grass pickerel and redfin pickerel and their reciprocals produced fertile progeny. However the crosses of the larger pike, muskellunge, northern pike and Amur pike although successful produced only one with fertile progeny, the Amur pike x northern pike. Crosses of the larger pike with smaller pickerel were generally unsuccessful or produced sterile young. Natural hybridization has been prevented by difference in distribution, habitat, size of mature fish, behaviour, spawning time, spawning sites and immunological barriers. Crosses of northern pike with muskellunge and Amur pike produced hybrids which appear to have greater potential as a port fish. These hybrids are relatively easy to rear, utlize artificial foods, grow fast and eventually produce a sport fish which is prized to anglers.