Capital City Challunge

2019-08-24 all day
Ottawa River
Capital City Challunge @ Ottawa River

Hey everyone! Mark this down on your calendar.

As they say in the military, here’s your warning order!

The Ottawa Chapter will be hosting our outing; The Capital City Challunge, on 24 August.

It’s still early in the planning stage but guaranteed we will have our awesome raffle table that exceeds $2000 and it is all musky musky musky PLUS the most outstanding dinner yet!

Dinner: This year we’re changing things up a bit. Dinner will be at the Mandarin Restaurant in Orleans.

This is an all you can eat buffet style restaurant with over 100 dishes to choose from. Everything from prime rib to sushi.

Dinner will be at 6:45 SHARP so if you are fishing down river give yourself enough time to make it back on time.

We will have our own room with easy access control for the dinner along with servers to pick up dishes and get drinks.

The room WILL NOT be available until 6:30/6:45 and there is no area inside for anyone to mill around and wait. For those coming off the water early you can go to the Barley Mow roadhouse for a drink. It is located directly across the road from the Mandarin. DO NOT BRING YOUR TRAILERS TO THE BARLEY MOW. PARKING IS TOO TIGHT. Leave them in the Mandarin/Home depot parking lot.

Cost: The cost for the outing is $50. Pay at the door.

The Mandarin is very easy to find and is only 5 mins from the river. Drive south up Tenth Line Road to the corner of Innes and the mall and restaurant is across the road on your left.  2055 Tenth Line Rd, Orléans. Too easy!

Click HERE for a map that shows the restaurant location along with boat ramps and amenities for those not familiar with the east end.


Keep checking for updates. More to follow