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2019-02-19 @ 19:00 – 21:00
Royal Canadian Legion
As they used to say on Monty Python’s Flying Circus, “And now for something completely different …” I’m calling our February Meeting “Show and Tell” … with a twist! Everybody who fishes muskies long enough, has all kinds of gadgets – store bought or home made – that makes their life easier. What do I mean? Here’s an example:
A light … big deal! Actually, it’s a good example of something that can REALLY come in handy – come out to the meeting and I’ll tell you why!
Our own Ross and Larry are probably the Dollar Store kings in this regard, so I thought we would offer a challenge to everyone to bring along their best gadget and share their story. We’ll take a quick survey at the end of the meeting and the “winner” for best gadget will get a prize!
We will also cover some business and we’ll present our planned budget for 2019. Since it is your money, we need your approval to spend it. As always, the business will be kept to a minimum and the fellowship to a maximum.
Hope you can join us at the Orleans Legion on Tuesday, February 19th at our usual 7:00 p.m. start time!