October Meeting

2019-10-16 @ 19:00 – 21:00
Peterborough Lions Community Centre
347 Burnham St
October Meeting @ Peterborough Lions Community Centre

IMPORTANT!! Venue change as well as a reminder that our Oct meeting only is changed to the third Wednesday. The Venue for this meeting is Peterborough Lions Community Centre, 347 Burnham St.

For our October meeting we’ve decided to host a Muskies Handling 101 discussion. We’ve been seeing some interesting things out there that indicate maybe we should have an interactive evening where we show how to properly and safely handle muskies, the basics of onboard equipment and release tools and anything else that our members would be interested in discussing. MCI President Pete Bostelmann will lead this discussion and we will attempt to make it as ‘hands on’ as possible.

If you have questions about anything related to best practices when it comes to muskie fishing, let me know and we’ll get it answered. You can PM questions or e-mail to kawarthalakesmci@gmail.com. Any muskie basics topic, proper handling, measurement, tools and equipment, terminal tackle, hook sharpening, whatever you want to know more about.