The Covid “Challunge” Virtual Outing!

2020-08-29 all day
Ottawa Chapter Covid Challunge

Date:  Saturday, 29 August 2020

Time:  Sunrise to 8:00 P.M.

Location:  Anywhere on the Ottawa River between Hawkesbury in the East and Portage-du-Fort in the West … Yes, that means you can fish the UPPER Ottawa R!  Also, in case of bad weather for those with smaller boats, you are welcome to fish the Madawaska River including the Head Pond.


Launch from any ramp within boundaries

All Provincial fishing regulations apply

Guests are welcome; however, they must fish with an MCI member.

All Muskies caught should be entered – length must be submitted, pictures are required and must include a “verification” item that will be published the Friday before the Outing.  A girth measurement is not required; however, please note: for the Swan Moving Trophy, in the case of a tie for length of the largest fish, the girth measurement will be used to determine the winner … so if you catch a fatty, take a girth measurement please.

Fish registration closes at 9:00pm Saturday, 29 August 2020. – post your results on the Ottawa Chapter Forum OR Email fish entries sent to:

Winners List will be published No Later Than 2pm Sunday, August 30th and emailed to all participants

Awards & Draws

Swan Moving Trophy for the Biggest fish landed by an MCI Member (Guests are not eligible for this award)

There will be a special prize for the angler who catches the biggest aggregate total inches of fish (member or guest)

ALL participants will receive a special edition, Musky Factory Blade Bait.  In addition, there will be special draws for other prizes – similar to the “every tenth draw” that we have done in past years at the Ottawa Outing.  ALL participants will be eligible.

Winners will receive awards and draw prizes through MCI Express (i.e. we’ll deliver ’em to you … eventually), OR by Canada Post.

Entry Fee:        $30.00 per angler


All participants MUST register Online using the two links below,  no later than Wednesday, 26 August 2020.

All participants must fill the Waiver Form – CLICK HERE.

Pay your 30$ resgistration through Paypal.