Research Education Grants

Muskies Canada Inc. has a long history of “giving back” to the resource by getting involved in projects and initiatives that support our natural Muskellunge population. Our members volunteer their time and provide financial support for various research and habitat projects each year. One of the best ways we can support the future of the resource is to provide funding to students working on Muskellunge research in Canada.

Unfortunately for the Muskellunge; it’s not a popular creature for students to study. There are other fish that present less challenges and are easier to work with. However with these challenges comes a great reward in potentially ensuring the survival of Canada’s largest freshwater apex predator. As Dr. Stephen Cooke of Carleton University stated recently. “It takes a certain type of person to carry out this type of challenging research.”

Paul Gasbarino Grant | Bruce Park Grant | Conservation Raffle Grant

Dr. Ed Crossman Education / Research Grant

We are proud to be able to honour one of Canada’s leading Muskellunge researchers, Dr. Ed Crossman, by providing a grant in his name of $1000.00 to a university or college student carrying out fisheries research relevant to Muskellunge in Canada. Up to 3 grants will be awarded each year.

Note: These grants will be provided at the discretion of the MCI National Executive Committee on a yearly basis, dependent on the availability of funds and the nature of the proposed research projects. The grants are funded and administered by Muskies Canada Sport Fishing & Research Inc.

Applications will be accepted between December 1st and February 15th each year. Funds will be distributed by April 30th of the application year. An application must be submitted via email to identifying the following information:

  • Researcher/student & contact information
  • Research supervisor & contact information
  • Name of educational institution
  • General timeframe of research activity
  • Outline of research activity
  • Water body (if applicable)

2018 Grant was awarded to :

Sarah Rabidiu, MSc Candidate
Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory
Carleton University
Her research aims to fill in a critical knowledge gap related to juvenile muskellunge ecology – identifying habitat needs for their survival to adulthood in the St. Lawrence River, a trophy Muskellunge fishery – and determine applicability of ecological tools in future research programs.  Her telemetry field work commenced September 2015 through  May 2017.  Hatchery experiments commenced November 2017 through February 2018.

Paul Gasbarino Research / Education Grant

2018 Grant was awarded to:

Kaleb Zelman, MSc Candidate
Mactaquac Aquatic Ecosystem Study 
University of New Brunswick
His research aims to improve our understanding of Muskellunge and their whereabouts in the downstream portion of the St. Johns River and will also provide an opportunity for future habitat models to be created to assess whether areas downstream, tributaries or adjacent watersheds are suitable for colonization by Muskellunge.  Project commenced September 2015 and in ongoing.  Project commenced May 2017 and will run through October 2020.

Bruce Park Research / Education Grant

2018 Grant was awarded to:
Katherine Abbott, PhD Student 
College of Environmental Science
State University of New York
Her research aims to assess both short and long term efficacy of restoration efforts to  elucidate interactions between round goby and VHSv … and subsequent immune response of Muskellunge … and to determine the potential exposure risk and subsequent immune response of Muskellunge through tracking.  

Conservation Raffle Research / Education Grant

2018 Grant was awarded to:

Dan Weller, PhD Candidate
Completing PhD Thesis on habitat suitability for Muskellunge in Georgian Bay
McMaster University
His research aims to characterise vegetation structure at suitable Muskellunge spawning and nursery sites and develop a predictive habitat suitability model that can be used to identify and evaluate other potential spawning and nursery habitats throughout eastern and northern Georgian Bay.