Upper Valley Chapter

UPPER VALLEY CHAPTER (Last Updated: Jan 2025)

**Announcements:  The next Chapter meeting will be held at The Prior in Arnprior at 7:30pm on Weds, 19 February (wing night).  We postponed from 12 Feb due to inclement weather.**


Welcome to the Upper Valley Chapter. Established in January 2006, the Upper Valley Chapter is based in the Ottawa Valley in Eastern Ontario. With membership stretching from Arnprior through Petawawa and beyond, our Chapter is situated on some of the most productive Musky water anywhere.


Our Chapter is dedicated to the preservation and enjoyment of Musky fishing. If you are not a Muskies Canada member, come out and meet the great people in our membership.  Learn about the great things that Muskies Canada does to enhance and protect our fisheries, and then decide if it’s for you.

With the world-class fishery of the Ottawa River and its many tributaries at our doorstep, there are endless opportunities for every level of Musky angler. The Chapter has a wealth of local Musky enthusiasts that make our meetings informative and enjoyable. If you’re already an experienced angler or a past member, please consider coming out to share your knowledge and passion for the sport.


Our modest Chapter meets from October through May on the second Wednesday of every month at 7:30 pm.  Our meeting location varies to balance travel time across our membership. Normally we try to rotate between Arnprior, Renfrew, Cobden, and Pembroke. Check our Facebook Page for information on our next meeting.

At Chapter meetings we share information on local fishing conditions and strategies, plan outings, and strengthen connections across the community of Musky anglers in the Ottawa Valley. Everyone with an interest in Musky fishing is welcome. There are no cliques, no secret handshakes, and we have a firm zero-drama policy.  We are simply a group of people who come together to support each other’s fishing goals through Muskies Canada.


 The Upper Valley Chapter organizes and hosts two Outings each year.  The Upper Valley Chapter Classic Outing is our annual Spring outing to award the Swan Moving Trophy and a treasure trove of Musky door prizes.  The annual Remembrance Day Outing is a less structed event held around Remembrance Day to recognize sacrifice of Veterans.  Details on our Outings are below:

MCI Upper Valley Chapter Classic Outing:  7-8 June 2025

The 2025 Upper valley Chapter Classic Outing will be held on 7 and 8 June  on any water in Fisheries Management Zone 15 (Madawaska River and Petawawa River (incl Black Bay, Lake Travers)). To register, please send $35 by e-transfer to mciuppervalley@gmail.com. In the message portion of the e-transfer please indicate your name and Chapter (i.e., John Smith – Upper Valley).  All registered participants will receive one ticket to the prize table at the awards social on 8 Jun. Additional prize table tickets can be purchased for $10 each, $50 for 6, or $100 for 15.  You must be a Muskies Canada Member to be eligible to win the prestigious Swan Moving Trophy.

Upper Valley Remembrance Day Outing:  8 November 2025

The annual Remembrance Day will be held on 8 November 2025 on the upper section of the Ottawa River and tributaries to include the Madawaska River, Petawawa River (Black Bay). This outing honours our Veterans, past and present, for all they have done for our great country. There is no cost to participate in this outing and we will plan for a social to conclude the day to share photos and stories.  This outing is a great way to cap the year for members looking tuck in their boats for winter.

Get In Touch

Regardless of your experience level, MCI Upper Valley welcomes you to meet our Chapter members and share in friendship through Musky fishing.

For any visiting MCI members from other Chapters, please feel free reach out if you’re looking for some information on the area. We would be glad to point you in the right direction if we can.

If you have any questions on the Upper Valley Chapter, please contact us at mciuppervalley@gmail.com or check us out on Facebook.  Hope to see you out.

Warm Regards,

Andrew Vivian


Upper Valley Chapter