Programme des journaux de pêche

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Participation in the Log Program shows the commitment and responsibility of Muskies Canada members in managing, conserving and protecting our fishery. Catch per Unit Effort (CUE) can be used to monitor trends in local fisheries. As a general rule, information collected becomes more valuable over time. As with the last major VHS (viral hemorrhage Septicemia) die-off through Ontario, the data collected through the log program has been used to assess impacts of the virus on waters such as the St. Lawrence River, Niagara River and Lake St. Clair.

Participation rates in the program have varied from year to year; however, the trend continues to show an increase in log submissions . Log sheet submissions in 2012 totaled 2,202, representing over 20,000 angling hours and over 1,200 muskies. In fact, over the last 5 seasons, the program has averaged over 2000 logs per year, a total of nearly 100,000 hours and over 5,000 muskies. In total, Muskies Canada anglers have logged over 32,000 days on the water. This is the single largest source of Muskellunge Data available to the MNR. The on-line submission will allow data inputs to be accurate and of the highest standard of quality. We encourage all release directors to promote participation at the chapter level so that we can continue to provide the best possible data to our fisheries managers.

Further, many top muskie anglers make no secret of the importance of recording fishing logs for patterning fish in their target waterbodies, and in a variety of weather and seasons. The knowledge gained from not only keeping good records, but interpreting those records will undoubtedly make you a better angler.

Release Awards Program

At the national level, the Release Awards program recognizes the achievements of club members. Recognition includes a pin commemorating your 1st, 10th, 25th, 50th, 100th and 200th release. A pin is also issued to recognize your 50 inch and 54 inch releases. Accompanying the pins in the « 50 Inch Club » and « 54 Inch Club are certificates. Pins and certificates are awarded by year. Individual big fish are also recognized in our Big Fish awards.

Rod and Reel Draw

Each year at the Board of Directors meeting, a draw is held for a rod and reel. All that is required to participate is the submission of your logs. For every month (up to a maximum of 7) that you submit a log , your name will be entered into the draw – increasing your participation will increase your chances of winning!

The winner of the 2012 rod and reel draw was St. John River Chapter member Glenn Stuckless. A nice reward for the few minutes Glenn took to record his results after each fishing trip. As always, the big winner will be the OMNR biologists who will make use of the data to enhance their under standing of the fishery and ensure its continued health. Are you ready to win the 2013 Rod and Reel? Contact your Chapter Release Director at any time and plan on submitting your pages to qualify for next years draw to be held at the 2014 MCI Board of Directors Meeting.

Of course, if this is not incentive enough, remember that participation in the log program provides an opportunity for each Muskies Canada member to give something back to the fishery and promote the stewardship and long-term sustainability of the resource.

How to Participate

Option 1 (On-Line)
Muskies Canada members can now submit their logs on-line through the Members Area of the website. Simply log on with your username and password and a link to the Log Submissions will be available to you. To further enhance your usage of the on-line logs, all of your personal log data has been digitized dating back to 1995, and is available as a resource to you.

Submitting Logs On-line:

Click Here to log into Member’s Area.

Please log skunks, the information is extremely valuable when establishing a « Catch per Unit Effort (CUE) »!

The submission page has been streamlined with dropdown menus allowing you to select the required options.

These include:

Angler Name (defaulted to your name)
Date of Release
Date of Submission (defaulted to current day)
# of Anglers (include for guests only or NonMCI members)
Hours fished (only include hours fished per boat)
# of Muskies
Length of fish caught
Lamprey (note whether lamprey present or scars, and how many)
Lymphosarcoma (present, suspect, healed etc., fish infected)
Additional Comments*

* Additional comments can include things such as Tag Numbers of tagged fish, Hybrids (Tiger Muskies), dead fish, unusual markings and alternate waterbodies.
** For members wishing to create a rich chronicle of their days on the water, they may choose to add whatever information they would like for their future use.

Members should be aware that the data collected by Muskies Canada is confidential and submissions to the OMNR do not contain personal information; only the information on date, waterbody, angling hours, number and length of fish caught is submitted to the OMNR for reporting.

Reviewing past Logs:
In the « Release Log Submission », you have the option of viewing all of your past logs going back to 1994. (We do not have digital data past 1994) Select « VIEW RECORD » and a listing of all of your logs, total release over 36 inches, total release between 50 and 53.75 inches and total release over 54 inches will be available. To see your logs, click on the « EYE » icon and your log will come up displaying all of your information. Please note that all of the lifetime Releases over 36 inches have been accounted for, including those previous to 1994.

Option 2 (Paper Logs)
For members wishing to submit data through other methods, there are other options to explore beyond the On-Line submission.

a) Digital Log Sheet – Simply complete the entries on the PDF at the link below and print it out, or print it out to complete by hand.

→ Download English Angler Log Diary PDF Form

→ Download French Angler Log Diary PDF Form

b) OMNR Log Sheets – Supplies are dwindling; however, Chapter Release Directors may supplies available to their membership. With a transition to the Digital Log Sheet and the On-line submissions, the traditional paper Log Sheets will be phased out.

When Log Sheets are completed, they should be given to your Chapter Release Director to compile the data and forward to MCI’s National Research Director and onto the OMNR.

If requested on the log sheet, the Release Director will promptly return the log sheets to the member after the data has been recorded. Fishing logs make great winter reading but even better, by keeping a fishing log you may develop more effective strategies on the water. Top tournament pros and veteran recreational anglers increasingly acknowledge the importance of « logging » their outings.

Parting Words

For more information on the Log Program, please speak to you chapter’s Release Director at a future chapter meeting about how you can get involved in the protection and management of this valuable resource.

For more information on the Log Program, please email our National Research Director for further information @