(English) Differences in stocking success among geographically distrinct stocks of juvenile muskellunge in Illinois lakes

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Muskellunge Esox masquinongy are broadly distributed across the northern United States and southern Canada. Intraspecific genetic variation suggests the existence of divergent stocks related to residence in major river drainages. Populations and stocks have likely adapted to specific environmental conditions associated with geographic location, especially latitude and the associated thermal regime. In this study, we examined differences in survival and growth among stocks of juvenile Muskellunge stocked into lakes throughout Illinois. Muskellunge from the Ohio River drainage stock, the upper Mississippi River drainage stock, and the current mixed Illinois broodstock were used for comparisons. Stocking mortality was related to temperature and was greatest for Illinois and Ohio River drainage fish that were stocked during the early fall. Mississippi River drainage fish experienced high mortality over the first summer after stocking, resulting in the lowest abundance during the second fall poststocking. In addition to low catch rates, Muskellunge from the Mississippi River drainage were significantly smaller than fish from the Illinois and Ohio River drainage stocks by the second fall. Populations from similar latitudes and climate (Illinois and Ohio) performed the best in terms of survival and growth and should be utilized in future stockings.