(English) Esocid stocking: An annotated bibliography and literature review

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This bibliography and literature review is the seventh in a set of reference documents developed in conjunction with a review of fish stocking policies and guidelines in the Province of Ontario. It has been prepared to summarize information pertaining to the current state of knowledge regarding esocids (northern pike and muskellunge) in a form which can readily be utilized by field staff and stocking proponents. Material cited in this bibliography includes papers published in scientific journals, magazines and periodicals as well as “gray” literature such as file reports from Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) field offices. Unpublished literature was obtained by soliciting information (i.e., unpublished data and file reports) from field biologists from across Ontario. Most published information was obtained from a literature search at the MNR corporate library in Peterborough. Twenty-one major fisheries journals were reviewed as part of this exercise. These included Aquaculture (1972-1998), California Fish and Game (1917-2000), Copeia (1913- 2000), Environmental Biology of Fishes (1976-2000), Fishery Bulletin (1963-2000), Fisheries Management (1975-1984), Journal of Freshwater Ecology (1981-2000), New York Fish and Game Journal (1954-1985), North American Journal of Fisheries Management (1981-2000), Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada/Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (1950-2000), Progressive Fish Culturist (1940-2000), and Transactions of the American Fisheries Society (1929-2000). Searches were also made of other publications including Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Western Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies, Transactions of the North American Fish and Wildlife Conference, Transactions of the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference, United States Department of the Interior Fisheries Technical Papers, FAO Fisheries Technical Papers and Circulars, and reports published under the Canadian Technical Report Series of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences. Some material was obtained by a search on the Fish and Fisheries Worldwide database (1971-2000) via the Internet. Information from over 370 sources has been assembled. Abstracts from published papers have been included wherever possible. In cases where abstracts were not available, an attempt has been made to extract pertinent material from the document to provide a synopsis of the findings. In some cases, we were unable to obtain a copy of the document but have simply included the citation. Some unpublished data has been included but has not been cited.