(English) Growth, mortality and movements of a sanctuary population of maskinonge

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A Schumacher population estimate based on 995 maskinonge taken by trap nets, between the months of May and October in the years 1951–1953, set the number of maskinonge in Nogies Creek at between 769 and 1,122 in July 1953. The mean standard length of these fish was 53.0cm. S.L. in the first year) compared favourably with that for maskinonge in other waters. Fish of age-groups II, III and IV predominated. The small number of fish over four years of age was apparently due to a 70% annual mortality rate at least after the third year of life and perhaps before age III.Recaptures of tagged maskinonge demonstrated that there was little movement of maskinonge in summer, and what movement there was, was mainly upstream. In the fall there was far more movement of fish, and this was mainly in a downstream direction.The area supports a fairly large population of maskinonge but the high mortality after three years of age limits its value for raising maskinonge to legal size. The potential for rearing fish to three years of age is such that it may be very advantageous to move hatchery fish here for one or two years before liberation. cm. The rate of growth (26.3