(English) Managing water heating costs for intensive culture of tiger muskellunge

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Energy costs for rearing tiger muskellunge were compared using water heated with oil, gas or electric heat pump. An oil-fired boiler proved to be the most expensive, costing approximately 50% more than natural gas. A water-to-water heat pump was most efficient costing 40% less than gas. Electric rates, however, are most susceptible to local fluctuations particularly “electric demand” charges. In the worst case, operation of a heat pump would equal gas heating costs.

The cost of culturing tiger muskellunge was compared at temperatures of 15.6°C, 20°C and 22°C. Heating ambient water (7.8°C to 20°C and 22°C cost 57% and 85% more, respectively, than heating water to 15.6°C. By establishing culture water temperature regimes, hatchery managers should be able to exercise better control over biological factors such as fish growh, feed conversion, incidence of disease and cannibalism that may interfere with optimum production.