(English) Presence of food organisms in the prolarval environment as a factor in the growth and mortality of larval muskellunge (Esox masquinongy)

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Three different feeding programs were used to assess the need for zooplankton in the environment of prolarval muskellunge. These were: (1) no zooplankton available to the larvae (filtered water) until 80% of them had become free‐swimming, with pond zooplankton introduced daily thereafter, (2) pond zooplankton introduced daily after hatching was 90% complete, and (3) Artemia nauplii (under 4 days old) introduced 3 times daily beginning with 90% hatch.

Neither mortalities nor dry weights differed significantly between treatments, indicating that presence of food organisms prior to swim‐up was not critical to survival or growth of muskellunge larvae under the conditions of this experiment. Artemia appear to be a satisfactory hatchery diet for larval muskellunge during their first 3 weeks of life.