(English) Prevalence of blue spot disease (Esocid herpes viru-1) on northern pike and muskellunge in Wisconsin

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Blue spot disease (esocid herpesvirus‐1) was observed in populations of northern pike (Esox lucius) and muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) in northern Wisconsin during the 1984–1992 spring spawning periods. Prevalence of blue spot disease was as high as 34% for northern pike and 29% for muskellunge. Prevalence differed among lakes and between sexes in some lakes. In general, larger and older northern pike were less likely to have observable lesions. The pathogenesis of blue spot disease is unknown. Clinical signs are present for only a short period when water temperatures are between 2 and 13°C, and they are not visible shortly after fish spawn, when water temperatures reach 14°C.