(English) Retention of coded wire tags by age-0 muskellunge

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Retention of coded wire tags implanted in three different locations (right cheek, left cheek, and dorsal fin) in age-0 muskellunge (Esox masquinongy) was monitored over 90 d. Survival over the course of the study was compared among the three groups and an untagged control group. Fish were held in 2082 L circular tanks and checked for tags 1, 3, 7, 30, 60, and 90 d post-tagging. Tag retention 1 d post-tagging was lowest in the left cheek (86%) and was different from both the right cheek and dorsal fin groups (>98%). These differences appeared to be a result of tag placement technique rather than anatomical location. Retention for all groups did not change after 30 d post-tagging. Survival during the experiment period was 2 75% for all groups, and survival for all groups declined after 7 d post-tagging. No differences in survival rates among tagged and control groups were observed.