(English) Some physiological consequences of angling stress in muskellunge (Esox masquinongy)

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Capture of muskellunge by angling resulted in a reduction of blood pH, elevated lactic acid concentrations, and a drop in total carbon dioxide and bicarbonate concentrations. The acidaemia was most severe immediately after capture and began to decline well before the blood lactate levels rose. Blood lactate levels were not as high as those characterizing fatigue in most other species. Recovery from the acidosis required 12 to 18 h and was accompanied by declines of 22% and 40% in haemoglobin and haematocrit levels respectively. With the exception of dying fish, there were only slight fluctuations in plasma sodium and potassium levels during recovery, indicating that there was no severe ionoregulatory dysfunction. Thirty per cent of all angled muskellunge died. The last stages immediately preceding death were characterized by declining blood pH and elevated potassium levels.