(English) Tiger muskellunge growth, condition, diet and effect on northern pikeminnow at Curlew Lake, Washington

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Tiger muskellunge (muskellunge Esox masquinongy x northern pike Esox lucius) growth, condition and diet as well as the effect of stocking on northern pikeminnow (Ptychocheilus oregonensis) were studies at Curlew Lake, Washington, from 2001 to 2006. Curelw Lake (373 ha) was stocked with tiger muskellunge beginning in 1998 to reduce an overabundant northern pikeminnow population and to create a unique trophy fishery. Historically, Curlew Lake had provided good fishing opportunities for stocked rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as well as naturally reproducing largemouth bass (Micropterus salmoides) and smallmouth bass (M. dolomieu). The quality of trout fishing, however, had declined throughout the 1990s commensurate with anecedotal observations of increased numbers of northern pikeminnow in the sport catch. To monitor changes in species relative abundanc3e, the lake was sampled annually in the fall with standardized boat electrofishing surveys. Additionally the lake was sampled by boat electrofishing monthly from spring through fall to collect tiger muskellunge diet samples by gastric lavage. Rainbow trout and northern pikeminnow were the most important prey species for tiger muskellunge in Curlew Lake while largemouth bass were a distant third. Diet varied seasonally with rainbow trout being the most important prey during spring while northern pikeminnow was most important in summer. Both rainbow trout and northern pikeminnow were important in the fall. The relative abundance of northern pikeminnow in Curlew Lake significantly declined over the duration of the study. The high proportion of northern pikeminnow observed in the tiger muskellunge diet analysis indicates that the reduction can be attributed to the added presence of tiger muskellunge to the community. Therefore, the goal of northern pikeminnow population reduction through tiger muskellunge introduction (biological control via predation) has been successful. Continues biannual monitoring of the fish community to assess northern pikeminnow abundance should provide the necessary data to refine future tiger muskellunge stocking rates in Curlew Lake.