(English) Mississauga Chapter Outing – Totem Point Lodge – French River June 21-23, 2024

2024-06-21 @ 06:00 – 2024-06-23 @ 20:00
Totem Point Lodge - 46 Nature’s Trail Rd. Noelville, Ontario
46 Nature’s Trail Rd. Noelville
Ontario P0M 2N0

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Who is ready to try and win the 2024 Swan Trophy & Adam Clarry Award? Like always, we will have special world class prize giveaways and auction ready for this event.
June 21-23, 2023
Totem Point Lodge on the beautiful French River
46 Nature’s Trail Rd.
Noelville, Ontario
P0M 2N0
(705) 898-2562
How to register:
1. Complete the Registration/Waiver form: https://forms.gle/T1fQ9YsfbzSfzgtWA
2. Submit the $30 outing fee. Please etransfer fee to mci.mississauga@gmail.com
3. Contact Totem Point Lodge to book your accommodations. info@totempointlodge.com
4. Confirmation of your registration will be sent to you.

Info: For the full weekend accommodations (2 nights -Fri & Sat) the full cost per person is $152.55 paid to Totem Point Lodge. This includes Cottage rental, Boat launching and docking, parking, propane and BBQ and lunch on the Saturday included. Additional nights to extend your stay can be purchased for $50 a night.